Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backward. Their wing structure allows them to hover and move in any direction, making them exceptional fliers.
Despite their small size, they can beat their wings up to 80 times per second. This fast movement helps them stay airborne while feeding on nectar.
Hummingbirds have excellent memories and can remember flowers and feeders they visit. This helps them return to the same places to find food again.
Their metabolism is incredibly fast. To fuel their rapid wingbeats, they need to eat half their body weight in food every day, mostly from nectar.
They can travel long distances during migration. Some species migrate over 2,000 miles from North America to Central America, using landmarks and the stars to navigate.
Hummingbirds have an impressive ability to detect colors. They are particularly attracted to bright, vibrant colors like red and orange, which signal rich nectar sources.
Despite their tiny size, they are very territorial and will defend their feeding spots from other birds. They use their speed and agility to chase off intruders.